Friday, June 17, 2011

Elastix 2.0 has been released!

It has been over two years since we released Elastix 1.0. Almost from that same moment we began to plan and develop what would become Elastix 2.0. It was a long period of hard work, but the new distro is finally ready to see the light. Thanks to the whole community for the incredible support. Special thanks go to the beta testers mailing list, whose members tested the product for several months before its release.

Elastix 2.0 includes many suggestions received from our users as well as many new ideas around Unified Communications. The ability to extend new functionalities through add-ons will allow Elastix to adapt to the requirements of broad scenarios, while at the same time enabling the integration with third party applications.

There are lots of new functionality included in this release. We will highlight the most relevant in this article.

Renovated Dashboard

The new Elastix dashboard allows the user to be aware of the system state, its performance, missed calls, emails, news from Elastix and much more. The user can select what applets to show and how to organize them. The applets can be organized by drag and drop in the browser window itself without the need of a plug-in.


The new Elastix add-ons module enables the installation of Elastix-integrated applications in a straightforward and intuitive manner. This new functionality will also allow third party application writers to integrate their apps with Elastix very easily.

In addition, the user will be kept informed of any new updates as well as newly available add-ons.

Elastix Operator Panel

Elastix Operator Panel is an application embedded within Elastix which allows for the management of calls in real time as well as providing a snapshot of the current activity. The Elastix Operator Panel does not require a flash plug-in to be installed in the browser. Everything is drag and drop!

Elastix Conference Room

The Elastix Conference Room is ideal for virtual meetings. Currently, one can set up a voice conference, share presentations in several formats, establish a file repository and chat with meeting attendees at the same time.

Mail Module improvements

It is now easier to integrate Elastix with an external mail server. Just fill a form and the integration would be ready without the need to edit a single text file. Another improvement is the integration with the Mailman mailing-list engine so one can create a mailing list straight from the Elastix interface.

Web-based Faxing

Starting in Elastix 2.0 users can send faxes directly from the web interface. Users can write the fax content directly in the web interface or upload files in PDF, TIFF or plain text format.

DHCP Module improvements

The DHCP server now allows the user to see the list of assigned IPs and their MAC addresses. Also, Elastix now has the capability of assigning static IPs based on the MAC address of the IP phone.

Automatic Backups

Backups can now be scheduled in advanced so they can occur daily, weekly or monthly. In addition, the interface now allows for a file to be uploaded or downloaded with all data and configurations to/from an external FTP server with drag and drops.

Agenda Module improvements

Agenda events can now be organized and downloaded in iCal format. The user can also move the events or modify their duration by drag and drop.

The complete detail of the changes in Elastix 2.0 can be viewed in the changelog. Elastix 1.6 will be mantained for bug correction and security issues only. However, there will not be any new functionality added to the 1.6 versions in the future.


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