The NuFone Network's
Open H.323 driver configuration
port = 1720
bindaddr =
You may specify a global default AMA flag for iaxtel calls. It must be one of 'default', 'omit', 'billing', or 'documentation'. These flags are used in the generation of call detail records. (See Asterisk IAX channels for explanation of tos and amaflags)
;amaflags = default
You may specify a default account for Call Detail Records in addition to specifying on a per-user basis. See Asterisk billing
You can fine tune codecs here using "allow" and "disallow" clauses with specific codecs. Use "all" to represent all formats.
;allow=all ; turns on all installed codecs
;disallow=g723.1 ; Hm... Proprietary, don't use it...
;allow=gsm ; Always allow GSM, it's cool :)
; User-Input Mode ( DTMF )
; valid entries are: rfc2833, inband
; default is rfc2833
; Set the gatekeeper
; DISCOVER - Find the Gk address using multicast
; DISABLE - Disable the use of a GK
;gatekeeper = DISABLE
Tell Asterisk whether or not to accept Gatekeeper routed calls or not. Normally this should always be set to yes, unless you want to have finer control over which users are allowed access to Asterisk. Default: YES
;AllowGKRouted = yes
Default context gets used in siutations where you are using the GK routed model or no type=user was found. This gives you the ability to either play an invalid message or to simply not use user authentication at all.
; H.323 Alias definitions
; Type 'h323' will register aliases to the endpoint
; and Gatekeeper, if there is one.
; Example: if someone calls
; Asterisk will send the call to the extension 'time'
; in the context default
; [default]
; exten => time,1,Answer
; exten => time,2,Playback,current-time
Keyword's 'prefix' and 'e164' are only make sense when used with a gatekeeper. You can specify either a prefix or E.164 this endpoint is responsible for terminating.
Example: The H.323 alias 'det-gw' will tell the gatekeeper to route any call with the prefix 1248 to this alias. Keyword e164 is used when you want to specifiy a full telephone number. So a call to the number 18102341212 would be routed to the H.323 alias 'time'.
Reaources: Recover Raid 5
Inbound H.323 calls from BillyBob would land in the incoming context with a maximum of 4 concurrent incoming calls
Note: If keyword 'incominglimit' is omitted, Asterisk will not enforce a limit on concurrent calls.
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