Saturday, October 23, 2010


Adhearsion is a new way to write voice-enabled applications. It's not just an API or library — it's a fully-featured framework, the first of its kind, designed for maximal code reuse and intuitiveness. The name "Adhearsion" is a combination of "adhesion" and "hear" because Adhearsion shines best when integrating technologies with voice. Supports both the AGI and AMI interfaces of Asterisk.

Adhearsion is a framework for building Ruby based VOIP applications on Asterisk. Adhearsion uses the "Ruby on Rails" database object relational mapper that maps Ruby objects directly to database tables. Adhearsion also maps Ruby objects to Asterisk internal variables giving your application almost total control over call processing.

# This is an example dialplan.rb file which# would handle how calls are processed by# Asterisk. This is all completely valid Rubyinternal { case extension when 100...200 callee = User.find_by_extension extension unless callee.busy? then dial callee else voicemail extension when 111 then join 111 when 888 play weather_report('Dallas, Texas') when 999 play %w(a-connect-charge-of 22 cents-per-minute will-apply) sleep 2.seconds play 'just-kidding-not-upset' check_voicemail end}

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